PinProc – Procuremet Apps
PinProc Procurement software allows you to track your spend from a single, central location, so you have visibility across all suppliers and transactions. It also provides enhanced reporting on orders, purchases, invoices and payments.
There are three main types of procurement activities supported by PinProc those are direct procurement, indirect procurement, and services procurement.
PinProc benefits and uses that you can’t find from other systems. This can provide the procurement process in an integrated manner. It also can show the development of the company and the financial prospects of your business. There are the following four reasons that make this system beneficial for your business
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One stop solution to run all your sales, purchase, inventory and production operations
- Single click quotation requests to multiple suppliers
- Compare quotations and convert them directly to purchase orders
- Instantly know which goods to procure and at what quantity
- Control inventory with inwards and quality information reports
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