Specifying and Planning
Establish the product or service need, set the specifications for the product itself and conduct planning, or forecasting, based on existing data and projections, for when and how the product is ordered or reordered through approval process. Key Points..
Store / Buyer Requisition
- Approval Process
Create Indent

Identifying and Selecting Suppliers
Identify and select a supplier to meet product needs, either from established relationships with approved vendors or preferred suppliers or by researching new suppliers and sending out an RFx: a request for information/proposal/quotation. Key Points..
- Approved RQN will sending either any one of it
Send to supplier for quotation
Or Direct create purchase order

Negotiating and Contracting
Negotiate the best price and terms for the product through competitive bidding from suppliers with their quotes and then direct negotiations to clearly communicate requirements and set expectations. With all terms agreed upon, finalize and sign the supplier contract. Key Points..
- Upload quotation
- Negotiating rrice and terms
Price compare

Placing the Purchase Order
The purchase order (PO) specifically defines the price, product specifications, and all terms and conditions of the product and/or service being supplied. It also serves as the “source of truth” of the product being procured for various impacted business units. Key Points..
- Select Vendor
- Create purchase order
- Purchase order approval
- Send PO to supplier

Expediting the product order is sometimes necessary (i.e. earlier than expected product obsolescence, a schedule change, etc.). Examining the timeliness of deliveries during this step can reveal underlying issues to address, such as lack of clarity on payment dates, delivery times and completion of work. Key Points..
- Modify the terms
- Update for delivery date

Receipt and Inspection of Purchase
Review all orders against the established specifications and quality standards and conduct “a three-way match” of the PO with the invoice and the packing slip/receiving document. If what was delivered does not meet the standards specified, completing a receiving discrepancy report may be part of this step. Key Points..
Good Received By Partially or Fully

Maintaining Records and Relationships
Retain all proper records in the case of an audit, for tax information, to confirm product warranty and for ease of product re-ordering. Provide data and feedback to the supplier based on key performance indicators to identify areas for improvement and/or needed changes in the product or the supplier contract. Key Points..
- Initiate Supplier
- Closing RQN
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